Decadence consists of two artists and two intersecting visions. Stathis Tsemberlidis and Lando have been self-publishing books under the Decadence label since the early 2000s, following their first meeting while studying animation in London. Since graduating from university in 2003 they’ve been slowly picking up followers and admirers with each new release – so far totalling ten mini-comics each, ten anthologies and two ultra-rare “specials”

Taken from "Two interesting Visions" by Mat Colegate

full piece here : http://www.tcj.com/two-intersecting-visions-decadence/

A and Q interview by Lee Henderson here : http://leehenderson.com/archives/747

Podcast about a few of our books (starting around 22.30) : http://www.factualopinion.com/the_factual_opinion/2013/04/the-decadence-of-your-marble-seasons.html

A pretty cool indepth podcast here : http://dirtyfractals.podomatic.com/entry/2013-04-01T15_38_02-07_00